1. It’s the middle of the night, and the newborn is crying after being fed, changed, and burped. What should you do?
2. The baby has a slight fever (37.8°C). What would be your first step?
3. The newborn falls asleep after a feeding, but their head tilts forward in the car seat. What should you do?
4. The baby has spit up a small amount of milk but is not crying. What’s the best course of action?
5. You notice the baby has been sleeping for 4 hours without waking for a feeding. What should you do?
6. You’re introducing solid foods to a 6-month-old baby. What should be your first consideration?
7. After introducing a new food, the baby shows signs of discomfort and develops a rash around the mouth. What should you do?
8. A 9-month-old baby seems uninterested in their usual meals and is fussing at the table. How do you handle this?
9. You're bottle-feeding a baby who has recently transitioned from breastfeeding, but they seem agitated during feedings. What’s the best way to ensure a smooth transition?
10. The baby has refused their bottle for the last 24 hours, and their diaper output has significantly decreased. What is the best course of action?
11. A 2-year-old refuses to eat their lunch and insists on only having snacks. What’s the best approach?
12. The toddler has started having frequent temper tantrums during playtime. How should you respond?
13. You are in a public place, and the toddler runs off towards a dangerous area. What should be your immediate action?
14. The toddler is playing with another child and starts hitting when they don’t get their way. What’s the best way to address this behavior?
15. The toddler is refusing to take a nap and becomes increasingly fussy as the day progresses. How should you approach this?
16. A child has accidentally swallowed a small toy and is coughing but still able to breathe. What is your immediate action?
17. The child falls and hits their head on the ground. They seem fine at first but become drowsy after a while. What should you do?
18. A toddler in your care has a sudden onset of high fever (39.5°C) and is shaking. What should be your first course of action?
19. You are at the playground and notice a toddler fall off a slide. They are crying but there are no visible injuries. How do you handle this?
20. A child has a deep cut on their hand that is bleeding heavily. What should be your first response?
21. You’re working with a family in Dubai, and they observe prayer times multiple times a day. The child is asking for your attention during these times. How should you handle this?
22. The family you're working with has specific dietary restrictions for religious reasons. You accidentally prepare a meal that violates these restrictions. What should you do?
23. The family you work for celebrates a religious holiday that you are unfamiliar with. They ask you to help prepare for it. How do you respond?
24. The parents ask you to dress the child in specific traditional attire for a cultural event. The child complains about the outfit being uncomfortable. How do you handle this?
25. A family you work with follows a language other than the one you're fluent in. The parents ask you to help the child practice this language, but you don't speak it fluently. What should you do?
26. You’re running late for work and won’t arrive until an hour past your scheduled time. How should you handle this situation?
27. The parents of the child ask you to perform additional household tasks that weren’t part of your original job description. How do you respond?
28. You have noticed that the toddler's behavior has become more aggressive, and they have been biting other children. What is your approach?
29. The child in your care confides in you that they are upset with their parents. How do you manage this delicate situation?
30. The parents are providing mixed instructions on how to handle the child’s bedtime routine. One prefers a strict schedule, while the other is more lenient. How should you handle this?